Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Long Space

There has been an absolutely huge gap between my last post and this one…

There have been too many reasons; if I can try and remember a few of those!

The main reason, I was getting bugged with my job and had to get a change in my life, so one fine day I put my resignation on my boss’ table and walked away… just like that! Had no back up plans thought but just had to get away from all that I was going through.

After that I rode with RedEye around Karnataka for a while, stayed at home and watched lots and lots of TV and basically recuperated my broken self.

Joined the rival company in January and started working with them… got moved to Bournemouth (UK) for a project and writing this post from the UK…

Things have been so different in all these months of silence! I’ve experienced a rollercoaster of emotions in the last 3-4 months… feeling of restlessness, helplessness, hopeless, tired, low, heady, stressed, fear of rejection, feeling unhealthy, and from that to bliss, joy, smiles, belonging, reason to live, elation, peace, feeling wanted, rediscovering the self-respect.

Well, I am back and hopefully I am here to stay :)

Will surely try to stay connected now…

Cheers! And Hello World…


Love LJ Joshi said...


--xh-- said...

Welcome back bro.. come back soon :)

Sweetie said...

Everything happens for good Love!
keep bloging!!

Aditya Bhelke said...

Hey LJ..

Aditya here.. remember we did the BN 2007 annual ride to Hampi!
Just came across your blog, and sweetly surprised to see u in the UK :)
Catch u over email/orkut then..


Deadman Inc said...

You manage to bulldoze your will in life :P But kudos bro, not many will have the balls to do what they want in life (including me :( ) It's always a gamble which you take in life when you want to to something you like and walking away from professional fuck sessions. Been through the same mindsets just a year back and i can totally relate to what emotions you have been through. Twin thumbsup to you :)